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Differences Between Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur is someone who, through his or her skills and passion, creates a business and is willing to take full accountability for its success or failure. An intrapreneur, on the other hand, is someone who utilizes his or her skill, passion and innovation to manage or create something useful for someone else’s business... with entrepreneurial zest. 

Though both are visionary, it is the entrepreneur who spots an opportunity in the marketplace and has the courage and zeal to turn this opportunity into a business. In contrast, however, the Intrapreneur uses his or her passion, drive and skills to manage the business or create something new and useful for the business. 

The main disparity between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur is that an entrepreneur has the freedom to act on his or her whim; whereas, an intrapreneur may need to ask for management’s approval to make certain changes in the company’s processes, product design or just about any innovation he or she needs to implement. Since an intrapreneur acts on innovative impulses, this may result in conflict within the organization. It is important for organizations who are implementing intrapreneurship, to create an atmosphere of mutual respect among employees. 

When it comes to resources, the intrapreneur holds an advantage over the entrepreneur since the company’s resources are readily available to him or her. Conversely, an entrepreneur has the difficult task of sourcing for funding and resources on his or her own.

So, in summary…

Intrapreneurs vs. Entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs provide the spark. Intrapreneurs keep the flame going.
  • Entrepreneurs are found anywhere their vision takes them. Intrapreneurs work within the confines of an organization.
  • Entrepreneurs face many hurdles, and are sometimes ridiculed and riddled with setbacks. Intrapreneurs may sometimes have to deal with conflict within the organization.
  • Entrepreneurs may find it difficult to get resources. Intrapreneurs have their resources readily available to them.
  • Entrepreneurs may lose everything when they fail. Intrapreneurs still have a paycheck to look forward to (at least for now) if they fail.
  • Entrepreneurs know the business on a macro scale. Intrapreneurs are highly skilled and specialized.

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BF Skinner's Reinforcement Theory

Reinforcement theory of motivation was proposed by BF Skinner and his associates. It states that individual’s behaviour is a function of its consequences. It is based on “law of effect”, i.e, individual’s behaviour with positive consequences tends to be repeated, but individual’s behaviour with negative consequences tends not to be repeated.
  • Positive Reinforcement- 

This implies giving a positive response when an individual shows positive and required behaviour. For example - Immediately praising an employee for coming early for job. This will increase probability of outstanding behaviour occurring again. Reward is a positive reinforce, but not necessarily. If and only if the employees’ behaviour improves, reward can said to be a positive reinforcer. Positive reinforcement stimulates occurrence of a behaviour. It must be noted that more spontaneous is the giving of reward, the greater reinforcement value it has
  • Negative Reinforcement- 

This implies rewarding an employee by removing negative / undesirable consequences. Both positive and negative reinforcement can be used for increasing desirable / required behaviour.
  • Punishment- 

It implies removing positive consequences so as to lower the probability of repeating undesirable behaviour in future. In other words, punishment means applying undesirable consequence for showing undesirable behaviour. For instance - Suspending an employee for breaking the organizational rules. Punishment can be equalized by positive reinforcement from alternative source.

  • Extinction-

It implies absence of reinforcements. In other words, extinction implies lowering the probability of undesired behaviour by removing reward for that kind of behaviour. For instance - if an employee no longer receives praise and admiration for his good work, he may feel that his behaviour is generating no fruitful consequence. Extinction may unintentionally lower desirable behaviour.

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Locke's Theory of Goal Setting

According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal setting principles that can improve our chances of success:

  • Clarity

Clear goals help identify behaviors that should be rewarded. They are also unambiguous, measurable, and have definite completion times. Clarity in goals can induce people to work to their full potential.

  • Challenge

Challenging goals enhance feelings of achievement and drive people to work harder to achieve them.

  • Commitment

Ownership of or “buy-in” to a goal increases the likelihood of its accomplishment. Within an organization, people must understand and agree upon goals in order for them to be effective. Organizations thus should encourage employees to develop goals for themselves that are consistent with the organization’s own vision.

  • Feedback

Feedback is necessary for people as they pursue a certain goal so they can judge their own progress toward achieving it. This feedback can come from self-judgment or from other people.

  • Task complexity

Highly complex goals can become overwhelming for people. For such goals, people need to be provided sufficient time to work toward the goal, improve performance, practice, or learn what is necessary for success.

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Vroom's Expectancy Theory

The Expectancy theory states that employee’s motivation is an outcome of how much an individual wants a reward (Valence), the assessment that the likelihood that the effort will lead to expected performance (Expectancy) and the belief that the performance will lead to reward (Instrumentality). In short, Valence is the significance associated by an individual about the expected outcome. It is an expected and not the actual satisfaction that an employee expects to receive after achieving the goals. Expectancy is the faith that better efforts will result in better performance. Expectancy is influenced by factors such as possession of appropriate skills for performing the job, availability of right resources, availability of crucial information and getting the required support for completing the job.
Instrumentality is the faith that if you perform well, then a valid outcome will be there. Instrumentality is affected by factors such as believe in the people who decide who receives what outcome, the simplicity of the process deciding who gets what outcome, and clarity of relationship between performance and outcomes. Thus, the expectancy theory concentrates on the following three relationships:
  • Effort-performance relationship: What is the likelihood that the individual’s effort be recognized in his performance appraisal?
  • Performance-reward relationship: It talks about the extent to which the employee believes that getting a good performance appraisal leads to organizational rewards.
  • Rewards-personal goals relationship: It is all about the attractiveness or appeal of the potential reward to the individual.
Vroom was of view that employees consciously decide whether to perform or not at the job. This decision solely depended on the employee’s motivation level which in turn depends on three factors of expectancy, valence and instrumentality.

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John Rawls's Theory of Justice

A Theory of Justice(1971)
Rawls's theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be (a) to everyone's advantage and (b) open to all.
A key problem for Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted, and here the work borders on general ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical "veil of ignorance" in which all the "players" in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the "original position." Having only a general knowledge about the facts of "life and society," each player is to make a "rationally prudential choice" concerning the kind of social institution they would enter into contract with. By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. "Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint and positing a moral outlook merely by pursuing one's own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints."

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Adam's Equity Theory

Equity Theory proposes that a person's motivation is based on what he or she considers to be fair when compared to others (Redmond, 2010).  As noted by Gogia (2010), when applied to the workplace, Equity Theory focuses on an employee's work-compensation relationship or "exchange relationship" as well as that employee's attempt to minimize any sense of unfairness that might result.  Because Equity Theory deals with social relationships and fairness/unfairness, it is also known as The Social Comparisons Theory or Inequity Theory (Gogia, 2010).

Equity theory of motivation, developed in the early 1960’s by J. Stacey Adams, recognizes that motivation can be affected through an individual's perception of fair treatment in social exchanges.  When compared to other people, individuals want to be compensated fairly for their contributions (the outcomes they experience match their inputs).  A person's beliefs in regards to what is fair and what is not fair can affect their motivation, attitudes, and behaviors. Equity theory helps explain why highly paid union workers go on strike when no one else but the members understand why and why millionaire athletes feel that they are underpaid and don't feel they make enough money.

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Need Theory by David McClelland

Psychologist David McClelland developed Need Theory, a motivational model that attempts to explain how the needs for achievementpower (authority), and affiliation affect people's actions in a management context. Need Theory is commonly often taught in management and organizational-behaviorclasses.
  • Achievement

People who are strongly achievement-motivated are driven by the desire for mastery. They prefer working on tasks of moderate difficulty in which outcomes are the result of their effort rather than of luck. They value receiving feedback on their work.
  • Affiliation

People who are strongly affiliation-motivated are driven by the desire to create and maintain social relationships. They enjoy belonging to a group and want to feel loved and accepted. They may not make effective managers because they may worry too much about how others will feel about them.
  • Power

People who are strongly power-motivated are driven by the desire to influence, teach, or encourage others. They enjoy work and place a high value on discipline. However, they may take a zero-sum approach to group work—for one person to win, or succeed, another must lose, or fail. If channeled appropriately, though, this can positively support group goals and help others in the group feel competent about their work.

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ERG theory

Clayton P. Alderfer's ERG theory from 1969 condenses Maslow's five human needs into three categories: Existence, Relatedness and Growth.
ERG Theory purposed by Clayton P. Alderfer

  •             ExistenceNeeds
Include all material and physiological desires (e.g., food, water, air, clothing, safety, physical love and affection). Maslow's first two levels.
  •             RelatednessNeeds

Encompass social and external esteem; relationships with significant others like family, friends, co-workers and employers . This also means to be recognized and feel secure as part of a group or family. Maslow's third and fourth levels.
  •       Growth Needs

Internal esteem and self actualization; these impel a person to make creative or productive effects on himself and the environment (e.g., to progress toward one's ideal self). Maslow's fourth and fifth levels. This includes desires to be creative and productive, and to complete meaningful tasks.

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Theory X and Theory Y

Theory purposed by Douglas McGregor
Theory X
This assumes that employees are naturally unmotivated and dislike working, and this encourages an authoritarian style of management. According to this view, management must actively intervene to get things done. This style of management assumes that workers:
·         Dislike working.
·         Avoid responsibility and need to be directed.
·         Have to be controlled, forced, and threatened to deliver what's needed.
·         Need to be supervised at every step, with controls put in place.
·         Need to be enticed to produce results; otherwise they have no ambition or incentive to work.
X-Type organizations tend to be top heavy, with managers and supervisors required at every step to control workers. There is little delegation of authority and control remains firmly centralized.
McGregor recognized that X-Type workers are in fact usually the minority, and yet in mass organizations, such as large scale production environment, X Theory management may be required and can be unavoidable.
Theory Y
This expounds a participative style of management that is de-centralized. It assumes that employees are happy to work, are self-motivated and creative, and enjoy working with greater responsibility. It assumes that workers:
·         Take responsibility and are motivated to fulfill the goals they are given.
·         Seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction.
·         Consider work as a natural part of life and solve work problems imaginatively.
This more participative management style tends to be more widely applicable. In Y-Type organizations, people at lower levels of the organization are involved in decision making and have more responsibility.

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Motivation Theory Frederick Herzberg

As stated by Herzberg there are two influences that affect the impulse of a person in the organization, namely:

1. Factors That Cause Discontent (Hygiene / Maintenance)
Hygiene factors not directly related to the satisfaction of a job, but are directly related to the emergence of a job dissatisfaction (Dissatiesfier). So that hygiene factors cannot be used as a motivational tool but rather to create conditions that prevent the onset of dissatisfaction.
Hygiene factors motivate a person to get out of dissatisfaction, including human relations, benefits, environmental conditions, and so on (extrinsic factors).

In hygiene factors are:
  • salaries, wages and other benefits
  • company policy and administration
  • Good inter-personal relationships
  • Quality inspection
  • Job security
  • Working conditions
  • balancing work and life

2. Factors Cause Of Job Satisfaction (Motivator)

Motivator factors are factors that directly relate to the content of the job (Job Content) or intrinsic factors. Motivator factors motivate a person to strive for satisfaction, which includes achievement, recognition, advancement of living standards, etc.

Hygiene factors are the factors that surround the implementation of the work; associated with extrinsic aspects of job context or employees. factors included here are:
  •  Working condition (working conditions)
  • Interpersonal relations (interpersonal)
  • Company policy and administration (corporate policy and implementation)
  • Supervision technical (engineering inspection)
  • Job security (the feeling of safety in work)

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology projected by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.[2] Maslow successively prolonged the knowledge to comprise his observations of humans' innate curiosity.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs from Wikipidia

1. Physiological Needs

The human basic needs is to live. Humans need food, water, air and shelter to satisfy the primarily requirement. At the moment, the needs of others will not be so important for the humans before we fully satisfy the basic needs.
2. Security Requirements

Once this prerequisite is attained, people will search for the life security, permanency of employment, community attention, by - laws and free themselves from both internal and external threats. This level of safety is needed to guarantee their comfortability.

3. Needs Love and Belonging

In filling the needs of affection, the human needs affiliation. We all are basically social animals, so we need caring from the others. Thus the human cannot live without no one is there.

4. Requirements Self Award

The next level is the requirement for self-respect. We want the authorities, at - least on ourselves. At the same time, we also need the power, capabilities, skill and individuality. There are men want to be valued, respected and requirements prestige in life.

5. Demands Perfection Self

Lastly, the ultimate human endeavour is to achieve self-perfection. All levels of requirements have to be met before this first before a person want self-perfection

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Danone Aqua

The Aqua brand mineral water has been marketing by Tirto Utomo since started from Oktober 1974. At the beginning of time, the tasteless Aqua brand water was not easily been accepted by the local people at Indonesia. This is due to the consumers thought that the Aqua water is no much difference as compare to the tap water in the house.

However, the setback has becoming a turning point for the Tirto Utomo. After the failure of his product, he ever thought that he should terminate his business and shut his factory down. He started to discharge some of his workers because he can’t afford their salary any longer. Luckily, his workers asked him some questions which were totally out of his expectation. He was inspired and came to the idea to continue what he was doing at that time. He tried to increase the revenue by increase the price of Aqua water to 175 Rupiah. Other than that, in order to popular the water brand name and increase the customer’s demand on their water, he used the iconoclastic tactic to attract his customers’ attention. He just put three bottles of the Aqua water on the rack of each retail shop. This strategic was really did a good job and the customers started to think that the few product left must be due to it is the good product which was the first choice of other until it was in a good sell. The Tirto Utomo also will not release any chance of introducing the product to the public. He became the main supplier of water in almost every event like the sport event. Tirmo Utomo also has a very strong confidence in his product. He said, we don’t need to be afraid of any competitor. This is because, only if there is any competitor, the customers then only can has the chance to do comparison and rethink of which product is really more suitable for them. After Tirmo Utomo passed away, his workers and children are continuing his business and eventually, their company was successfully to merge with the world-well-known company, the DANONE.

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Pocari Sweat

1. Pocari Sweat

What is Pocari Sweat?
Pocari Sweat is a kind of carbonic drink which has been publishing in around 16 countries, including the Japan, Indonesia and so on. The word “Pocari” is means by “making you fresh” and the word “Sweat” is the excretion of the human body. The name “Pocari Sweat” is want to convey the message of giving you a healthy lifestyle and it can replace the fluid in your body. This Pocari Sweat has successfully to get a good name in Japan and it's creator is the entrepreneur with name "Akihiko Otsuka".
The video below is about the history of Pocari Sweat and how the  entrepreneur, Akihiko Otsuka has overcame all the obstacle and eventually to get the great success in the carbonic drink field. There are some of the important lessons is worthy for us to learn.

This advertisement is based on the story of Akihiko Otsuka’s in his age 35 in Jepun. He wanted to innovate a brand new product which can benefit the society. So, he fired the Harima and Takaichi as is partner in developing the new product, that is the healthy drinks which contain the optimum amount of sugar.
The Takaichi carried out his experiment and has came out with more than 1000 samples. However, his still fail to find out what is the real problem of his product. He even fail in the first time trial which was tasted by the Otsuka Pharmaticeutical. Eventually he had successfully to create a new product with better taste after his worker mixed that drink with another kind of fruit juice.

From this Pacari Sweat video, I have learnt that the spirit of never give up. In the story of developing the drinks, I found that the Akihiko Otsuka is always thinking positively and he have a good forth future ability. Other than that, I have also found that Akihiko Otsuka is a person who are willing to accept other’s opinion and critic and try to learn the lesson from his mistake. Whenever he has been mocked by the other, but he still can bear with it even use other’s suggestion in his experiment. Furthermore, I have learnt that we need to be more strategic in achieving our goal. In the video, Akihiko Otsuka offered the Pocari Sweat as free to all level of society in order to attract their attention in the first place. At last, in the second year of selling this product, the sells achieved a new peak in his company story.

As a conclusion, if we want to be a successful entrepreneur, we need to be a never-give-up person, always think positively, forth future, willing to learn from the other, and strategic.

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Bagaimana Sam 'Wal Mart' membina empayar perniagaannya?

Bagaimana Sam 'Wal Mart' membina empayar perniagaannya?
Sam Walton merupakan salah seorang usahawan yang berjaya di dunia yang berasal dari Amerika Syarikat dan merupakan pengasas perniagaan gudang membeli belah Wal-Mart.
Perniagaannya ini tersenarai sebagai syarikat umum ketiga terbesar di dunia menurut Fortune 500 Global pada tahun 2012.
Jumlah kekayaan yang ditinggalkan Walton ketika meninggal dunia pada tahun 1992 hampir $25 billion USD. Dan sehingga sekarang Wal-Mart memiliki 8,500 gudang di 15 negara di bawah nama yang berbeza-beza.
Berdasarkan kejayaan inilah membuatkan Walton dapat mengongsikan formulanya dengan para usahawan muda bagi membangunkan perniagaan yang berjaya.
Berikut merupakan sepuluh panduan yang menjadi inspirasi Sam Walton untuk membangunkan perniagaan yang berjaya:

1. Sentiasa Komited Dalam Perniagaan
Sekiranya anda sentiasa komited dalam perniagaan, saya yakin anda akan menghampiri kejayaan. Selain daripada itu, anda harus menyukai apa yang sedang anda lakukan sekarang dan sentiasa melakukan yang terbaik dalam perniagaan tersebut.

2. Bahagikan Keuntungan Anda dengan Rakan Sekerja, dan Anggaplah Mereka Sebagai Rakan Kongsi
Apabila anda membahagikan keuntungan dengan rakan sekerja dan menganggap mereka sebagai rakan kongsi, ini akan menaikkan semangat mereka untuk berusaha mencapai lebih daripada target yang ditetapkan. Yang paling penting, anda dapat mengawal kerja dari rakan perniagaan supaya sentiasa bersemangat melakukan kerja.

3. Motivasikan Rakan Sekerja Anda
Mengongsikan keuntungan dengan rakan sekerja, boleh dikataka tidak mencukupi. Berikan motivasi kepada para pekerja anda untuk meningkatkan daya saing dalam perniagaan. Jika perlu berikan cabaran yang mampu mencabar kebolehan pekerja anda agar perniagaan dapat dijalankan dengan lebih bersemangat lagi.

4. Sentiasa Berkomunikasi dengan pekerja anda
Aliran maklumat adalah salah satu perkara penting dalam sesebuah perniagaan. Maklumat yang berkenaan perlu dikongsi sesama perkerja. Semakin banyak yang mereka tahu, semakin faham mereka dalam mengerjakan tugas. Semakin mereka faham, maka semakin mereka mengenali kehendak anda. Melalui pemahaman ini, mereka akan menjadi lebih taat dalam menjalankan tugas. Ini merupakan salah satu faedah daripaha komunikasi yang kerap dengan para pekerja.

5. Hargailah Rakan Sekerja Anda
Menghargai rakan kerja adalah suatu perkara yang harus diutamakan para pemilik perniagaan. Ini kerana menghargai rakan sekerja salah satu cara untuk membangunkan perniagaan yang berjalan lancar.

6. Raikan Kejayaan Anda
Meraikan kejayaan adalah titik awal dalam meraih keberhasilan, apatah lagi meraikan kejayaan besama dengan rakan sekerja yang turut menambahkan nilai perniagaan anda.

7. Cuba Dapatkan Pendapat Baik dan Buruk Daripada Pekerja
Jika anda berada dalam perniagaan retailer, dan melibatkan pekerja barisan hadapan (front-liner) khidmat pelanggan, tanyakan mereka apakah pendapat/aduan yang diterima daripada para pelanggan, tidak kiralah aduan negative mahupun positif. Selain daripada itu, minta pendapat mereka tentang bagaimana perniagaan boleh diperkembangkan.

8. Memuaskan Hati Pelanggan
Banyak perkara dapat dilakukan bagi mejaga hati pelanggan, salah satunya adalah perkhidmatan yang baik dan memuaskan. Jika anda mampu berbuat demikian, mereka akan sentiasa dating kembali. Selain itu, cuba penuhi kehendak mereka seperti program diskaun dan sebagainya. Wal-Mart mempunyai slogan yang penting berkenaan dengan memuaskan hati pelanggan iaitu,‘Kepuasan Dijamin’.

9. Harus mampu mengendalikan pembiayaan keluaran dan lebih baik dari kompetitor
Selama dua puluh tahun beroperasi, Wal-Mart tersenarai di tangga pertama dalam industri retailer yang memiliki nisbah terendah daripada kos pengeluaran. Sentiasa cuba untuk mencapai keunggulan dalam mengekalkan persaingan dari segi kos pengeluaran. Satu cara adalah dengan menjalankan kerja dengan efisyen.

10. Cuba terokai idea yang berlainan
Biasanya banyak perniagaan dijalankan mengikut idea-idea yang sama, sehingga wujudnya persaingan yang semakin sengit. Cuba terokai idea yang berlainan daripada idea yang sedia ada, sememangnya akan wujud halangan sekiranya bertindak dengan cara yang berlainan. Tetapi, anda harus percaya yang idea tersebut akan membuahkan perniagaan yang berjaya.

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1. Melayu perlu belajar dari bawa
Bangsa Melayu perlu belajar dari bawah sebelum masuk dunia perniagaan.BUkan sekadar ada wang dan membuka bisnes,namun perlu belajar dengan bekerja dalam bidang tertentu dan memahami selok belok dunia perniagaan .Contohnya jika mahu mmebuka retsoran,bekerja dan melihat situasi dunia perniagaan restoran dari pekerja mmebuat air,tukang masak,pelayan dan sebagainya.Pengalaman dan kemahiran akan membantu kita bila membuka perniagaan

2. Modal efektif
   Melayu yang mahu berniaga perlu mempunyai modal efektif dan relevan.Contohnya jika mahu membuka bisnes bernilai RM100,000 perlu ada wang tunai RM300,000.RM100,000 untuk bisnes,bakinya untuk pengurusan dan modal menghadapi pelbagai masalah dalam perniagaan.Adalah salah hanya mempunyai RM100,000 jika mahu mmebuka bisnes bernilai RM100,000.

3.Berusaha bersungguh-sungguh. 
Melayu perlu berusaha bersunguh-sungguh tanpa jemu.Usaha berterusan sama ada dalam promosi,pemasaran,produk dan sebagainya.Tanpa usaha keras,kejayaan tidak akan datang. 

      4. Bersabar dalam tempoh lama.
Melayu perlu belajar bersabar kerna bisnes perlukan masa panjang.Dr Mahathir berkata “Saya buka kedai roti dah 5 tahun tapi belum nampak untung…”.Perniagaan perlukan masa panjang untuk berjaya,bukan sekelip mata. 

5. Mengenai jenis perniagaan.
Melayu perlu mengenali jenis perniagaan dengan baik.Jika buka restoran ,tahu apa jenis masakan,cara promosi,cara menambahkan pelanggan dan sebagainya.

6. Rajin meninjau bisnes.

Melayu perlu rajin keluar dari pejabat dan meninjau dunia perniagaan sama ada produk,pekerja dan segalanya.Sikap Melayu yang hanya terperap dalam pejabat akan menyebabkan kegagalan.

7. Manfaatkan teknologi.
Melayu perlu manfaatkan segala teknologi seperti peralatan mesin moden,internet dan sebagainya.Ini akan membantu melahirkan produk berkualiti dan berjaya dalam pasaran.

8. Sentiasa tambahkan aset.
Melayu perlu sentiasa tambahkan aset seperti pembelian tanah,rumah kedai,emas dan sebagainya kerna harganya akan meningkat.Beliau mengatakan tanah di KL dibeli oleh Pavilion dengan harga RM7000 satu kaki.

9. Belajar dengan bangsa lain.
Melayu perlu belajar dengan bangsa lain.Jika di Malaysia Cina berjaya dalam bisnes,Melayu perlu belajar dengan mereka.Belajar dengan manusia berjaya akan membantu kita berjaya seperti mereka.

10.Ikhlas dalam perniagaan.
Melayu perlu ikhlas menjalankan bisnes,bukan hanya mencari kekayaan namun memanfaatkan kekayaan untuk kebaikan.

11. Menolak mitos.
Ramai Melayu menganggap Cina berjaya kerna menipu sedangkan ia mitos.Hakikatnya Cina berjaya kerna usaha keras dan gigih.Mereka datang ke Tanah Melayu tiada apa-apa dan kini menguasai ekonomi negara.
 Beliau menyindir “Kalau ada yang anggap Cina kaya sebab menipu,buatlah!” 

12. Mengamalkan peribadi mulia.
Usahawan Melayu perlu mengamalkan sikap positif dalam kehidupan seperti rajin,amanah,tidak menipu dan sebagainya.Setiap amalan baik perlu diterapkan jika mahu berjaya.Manusia yang menipu dan tidak amanah ,kejayaan bersifat sementara dan tidak kekal.

13. Menjauhkan sifat keji.
Melayu perlu menjauhkan sifat keji seperti suka berbohong,mungkir janji,tidak amanah,menjual harga terlampau tinggi,hasad dengki,menjatuhkan bisnes org lain dan sebagainya.Sikap keji adalah punca kebanyakan usahawan Melayu gagal dalam bisnes.

14. Jangan terlalu bergantung dengan tender kerajaan.
Melayu tidak boleh bergantung dengan tender kerajaan kerna kuota terhad dan jumlah usahawan yang ramai.Melayu sepatutnya mempunyai produk yang boleh berjaya di pasaran sama ada dalam dan luar negara.

15. Mempunyai network.

Melayu perlu mempunyai network agar saling bantu membantu sesama bangsa. Amalan ini telah diterapkan bangsa Cina dan mereka berjaya.

16. Membayar hutang dengan baik.
Melayu perlu membayar hutang dengan baik dan menguruskan perniagaan dengan betul.Hutang wajib dibayar walaupun satu sen.Ramai Melayu mengabaikan hutang dan ini menyusahkan pihak yang memberi pinjaman.Mereka yang tidak membayar hutang bukan sahaja menyusahkan dirinya sendiri, namun menyusahkan pihak lain.

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ARKIB : 02/04/2014

Ketua perlu mempunyai tahap kepemimpinan tinggi - Zeti    
KUALA LUMPUR 1 April - Ketua bagi setiap organisasi perlu mempunyai daya kepe-
mimpinan yang tinggi untuk memenuhi kehendak dan keperluan pekerja masing-masing yang sentiasa bertambah dari masa ke semasa.
Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Tan Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz berkata, harapan yang diletakkan terhadap ketua atau pemimpin sangat tinggi dan organisasi boleh terjejas jika terdapat tanggapan seseorang ketua telah berubah.
Beliau berkata, struktur organisasi yang berubah mengikut peredaran masa dan penyampaian maklumat yang tidak terhad akan mencabar kredibiliti seseorang pe-
"Persekitaran kini menyebabkan tenaga kerja yang berbakat sukar ditemukan, maka harapan kini pada pemimpin atau ketua yang boleh memberi hala tuju yang jelas kepada organisasi dan pekerja.
Beliau dalam ucapan pelancaran Indeks Kepemimpinan Asia Iclif, di sini hari ini berkata, pemimpin perlu menjadi pencetus semangat supaya pekerja dihargai dan mampu memberi sumbangan kepada organisasi.
"Di dalam usaha untuk mencapai sasaran syarikat dalam waktu yang sukar, pemimpin juga perlu mewujudkan semangat di dalam organisasi agar setiap pekerja dapat memberikan sumbangan yang diperlukan," katanya lagi.
Katanya lagi, tanggapan pekerja khususnya generasi muda bukan sahaja telah berubah, malah berbeza mengikut kawasan tertentu.
Indeks tersebut merupakan kajian yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Pentadbiran dan Kepimpinan ICLIF bagi mendedahkan tahap hubungan pekerja dan keberkesanan pemimpin organisasi meliputi 18 buah negara Asia Pasifik, termasuk Malaysia.
Kajian itu turut mengukur tahap kepercayaan pekerja terhadap pemimpin organisasi serta apakah yang diharapkan ke atas seorang pemimpin.

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Faktor Berlakunya Kegagalan Sebagai Seorang Usahawan

Faktor Berlakunya Kegagalan Sebagai Seorang Usahawan
Antara adalah faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang usahawan itu gagal dalam perniagaannya adalah seperti berikut :

1.    Strategi Pemasaran Yang Tidak Berkesan
Strategi pemasaran yang dilaksanakan tidak berkesan bagi menarik minat pelanggan dan tidak mampu mengekalkan pelanggan yang sedia ada. Pelanggan mudah tertarik dengan pesaing yang memiliki strategi pemasaran yang bagus dan berkualiti.

2.    Tidak Berjaya Dalam Pengurusan Saluran Tunai
Tiada catatan dan rekod transaksi simpanan wang yang membolehkan aliran wang keluar dan masuk diketahui dengan telus dan dikawal.

3.    Khidmat Pelanggan Yang Tidak Mahir / Cekap
Usahawan hanya memikirkan strategi untuk mendapatkan pelanggan tanpa memikirkan cara mengekalkan pelanggan. Malah, untuk mengekalkan pelanggan adalah lebih sukar daripada mencari pelanggan. Usahawan juga tidak memberi latihan kepada pekerja untuk menjadi khidmat pelanggan yang cekap dan betul.

4.    Lokasi Perniagaan Yang Tidak Strategik
Contoh lokasi yang tidak strategik seperti kedai perniagaan anda sukar untuk ditemui oleh pelanggan atau kedai anda berhampiran dengan persimpangan lampu isyarat yang menyukarkan pelanggan untuk berhenti membeli barangan atau produk pakaian.

5.    Usahawan Yang Tidak Berfikiran Jauh
 Usahawan yang memiliki permikiran ke belakang seperti tidak berfikiran global dan futuristik. Mereka tidak mengambil tahu mengenai perkembangan semasa pelbagai aspek perniagaan. Barangan atau produk yang dijual tidak menepati ciri-ciri terkini dan menyukarkan pelanggan untuk meyakini produk tersebut. Ini menyebabkan permintaan agak berkurang.
 Usahawan perlu menambah ilmu pengetahuan dari semasa ke semasa seperti menghadiri kursus atau seminar keusahawanan, mendapatkan nasihat daripada rakan-rakan atau yang pakar dan membaca majalah serta laman web berkaitan keusahawanan.

6.    Mengambil Ringan Mengenai Aspek Perniagaan
Mereka beranggapap walaupun sudah lama bertapak dalam perniagaan, mereka tidak akan jatuh atau menghadapi sebarang kesulitan. Jadi, mereka mengambil ringan mengenai aspek perniagaan seperti tidak perlu berdaya saing, tiada idea kreatif dalam menghasilkan produk dan perkhidmatan serta terlalu yakin dengan kelebihan diri yang sedia ada.

7.    Kurang Modal Kewangan Syarikat
Tidak merancang kewangan dengan teratur dan bersistematik. Malah, tidak memiliki modal yang mencukupi untuk berkembang dalam dunia perniagaan. Memberikan kata-kata manis kepada pelanggan dan akhirnya menggagalkan perniagaan tersebut. Perlu beringat, modal yang sedikit apabila diurus dengan baik dan sempurna mampu membuatkan perniagaan anda semakin berkembang.

8.    Kurang Pengalaman
 Usahawan yang menjalankan perniagaan tanpa mempunyai pengalaman yang luas, tidak mahir atau tidak minat dalam dunia perniagaan. Kebiasaanya, usahawan yang bermula daripada bawah mudah berjaya dan kekal lama dalam perniagaan yang dijalankan kerana pengalaman yang dimilikinya. Malah, mereka juga tidak mudah mengalah dalam persaingan.

9.   Suka Bertangguh
 Dokumen yang diuruskan sepatutnya disiapkan pada tarikh yang telah ditetapkan, tetapi disebabkan suka bertangguh, kerja menjadi semakin banyak dan bertimbun. Malah, memberi kesan perniagaan pada syarikat anda dan menyebabkan proses sesuatu kerja tergendala.

10. Rakan Kongsi Perniagaan Berpecah
 Perniagaan gagal dijalankan dengan baik kerana rakan kongsi yang pecah amanah, tidak sehaluan dan tidak bertanggungjawab.

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