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Motivation Theory Frederick Herzberg

As stated by Herzberg there are two influences that affect the impulse of a person in the organization, namely:

1. Factors That Cause Discontent (Hygiene / Maintenance)
Hygiene factors not directly related to the satisfaction of a job, but are directly related to the emergence of a job dissatisfaction (Dissatiesfier). So that hygiene factors cannot be used as a motivational tool but rather to create conditions that prevent the onset of dissatisfaction.
Hygiene factors motivate a person to get out of dissatisfaction, including human relations, benefits, environmental conditions, and so on (extrinsic factors).

In hygiene factors are:
  • salaries, wages and other benefits
  • company policy and administration
  • Good inter-personal relationships
  • Quality inspection
  • Job security
  • Working conditions
  • balancing work and life

2. Factors Cause Of Job Satisfaction (Motivator)

Motivator factors are factors that directly relate to the content of the job (Job Content) or intrinsic factors. Motivator factors motivate a person to strive for satisfaction, which includes achievement, recognition, advancement of living standards, etc.

Hygiene factors are the factors that surround the implementation of the work; associated with extrinsic aspects of job context or employees. factors included here are:
  •  Working condition (working conditions)
  • Interpersonal relations (interpersonal)
  • Company policy and administration (corporate policy and implementation)
  • Supervision technical (engineering inspection)
  • Job security (the feeling of safety in work)

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bestmba said...

Good points on Two Factor Theory.

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