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Locke's Theory of Goal Setting

According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal setting principles that can improve our chances of success:

  • Clarity

Clear goals help identify behaviors that should be rewarded. They are also unambiguous, measurable, and have definite completion times. Clarity in goals can induce people to work to their full potential.

  • Challenge

Challenging goals enhance feelings of achievement and drive people to work harder to achieve them.

  • Commitment

Ownership of or “buy-in” to a goal increases the likelihood of its accomplishment. Within an organization, people must understand and agree upon goals in order for them to be effective. Organizations thus should encourage employees to develop goals for themselves that are consistent with the organization’s own vision.

  • Feedback

Feedback is necessary for people as they pursue a certain goal so they can judge their own progress toward achieving it. This feedback can come from self-judgment or from other people.

  • Task complexity

Highly complex goals can become overwhelming for people. For such goals, people need to be provided sufficient time to work toward the goal, improve performance, practice, or learn what is necessary for success.

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